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Vendor Name : PMI
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PgMP Exam Format | PgMP Course Contents | PgMP Course Outline | PgMP Exam Syllabus | PgMP Exam Objectives

I. Strategic Program Management (11 tasks) 15%

II. Program Life Cycle (35 tasks) 44%

- Initiating (6 tasks) 6%

- Planning (9 tasks) 11%

- Executing (9 tasks) 14%

- Controlling (6 tasks) 10%

- Closing (5 tasks) 3%

III. Benefits Management (8 tasks) 11%

IV. Stakeholder Management (7 tasks) 16%

V. Governance (11 tasks) 14%

Task 1

Perform an initial program exam by defining the program objectives, requirements, and risks in order to ensure program
alignment with the organizations strategic plan, objectives, priorities, vision, and mission statement.

Task 2

Establish a high-level road map with milestones and preliminary estimates in order to obtain initial validation and approval from the executive sponsor.

Task 3

Define the high-level road map/framework in order to set a baseline for program definition, planning, and execution.
Task 4 Define the program mission statement by evaluating the stakeholders concerns and expectations in order to establish program direction.

Task 5

Evaluate the organizations capability by consulting with organizational leaders in order to develop, validate, and assess the
program objectives, priority, feasibility, readiness, and alignment to the organizations strategic plan.

Task 6

Identify organizational benefits for the potential program using research methods such as market analysis and high-level cost-benefit analysis in order to develop the preliminary program scope and define benefits realization plan.

Task 7

Estimate the high level financial and nonfinancial benefits of the program in order to obtain/maintain funding authorization and drive prioritization of projects within the program.

Task 8

Evaluate program objectives relative to regulatory and legal constraints, social impacts, sustainability, cultural considerations, political climate, and ethical concerns in order to ensure stakeholder alignment and program deliverability.

Task 9

Obtain organizational leadership approval for the program by presenting the program charter with its high-level costs, milestone
schedule and benefits in order to receive authorization to initiate the program.

Task 10

Identify and evaluate integration opportunities and needs (for example, human capital and human resource requirements and skill sets, facilities, finance, assets, processes, and systems) within program activities and operational activities in order to align and integrate benefits within or across the organization.

Knowledge specific to Domain 1

(*Indicates knowledge is found in one other domain, shown in parentheses)

 Business strategy

 Business/organization objectives* (V)

 Economic forecasting

 Feasibility analysis

 Financial measurement and management techniques

 Funding models

 Funding processes

 Intellectual property laws and guidelines

 Legal and regulatory requirements

 Marketing

 Portfolio management

 Program and constituent project charter development* (II)

 Program mission and vision

 Public relations* (IV)

 Requirement analysis techniques

 Scenario analysis

 Strategic planning and analysis* (II)

 System implementation models and methodologies

 Trend analysis

Task 1 Develop program charter using input from all stakeholders, including
sponsors, in order to initiate and design program and benefits.

Task 2 Translate strategic objectives into high-level program scope
statements by negotiating with stakeholders, including sponsors, in
order to create a program scope description.

Task 3 Develop a high-level milestone plan using the goals and objectives of
the program, applicable historical information, and other available
resources (for example, work breakdown structure (WBS), scope
statements, benefits realization plan) in order to align the program with
the expectations of stakeholders, including sponsors.

Task 4 Develop an accountability matrix by identifying and assigning program
roles and responsibilities in order to build the core team and to
differentiate between the program and project resources.

Task 5 Define standard measurement criteria for success for all constituent
projects by analyzing stakeholder expectations and requirements
across the constituent projects in order to monitor and control the

Task 6 Conduct program kick-off with key stakeholders by holding meetings
in order to familiarize the organization with the program and obtain
stakeholder buy-in.

Task 7 Develop a detailed program scope statement by incorporating program
vision and all internal and external objectives, goals, influences, and
variables in order to facilitate overall planning.

Task 8 Develop program WBS in order to determine, plan, and assign the
program tasks and deliverables.

Task 9 Establish the program management plan and schedule by integrating
plans for constituent projects and creating plans for supporting
program functions (for example, quality, risk, communication,
resources) in order to effectively forecast, monitor, and identify
variances during program execution.

Task 10 Optimize the program management plan by identifying, reviewing, and
leveling resource requirements (for example, human resources,
materials, equipment, facilities, finance) in order to gain efficiencies
and maximize productivity/synergies among constituent projects.

Task 11 Define project management information system (PMIS) by selecting
tools and processes to share knowledge, intellectual property, and
documentation across constituent projects in order to maximize
synergies and savings in accordance with the governance model.

Task 12 Identify and manage unresolved project-level issues by establishing a
monitoring and escalation mechanism and selecting a course of action
consistent with program constraints and objectives in order to achieve
program benefits.

Task 13 Develop the transition/integration/closure plan by defining exit criteria
in order to ensure all administrative, commercial, and contractual
obligations are met upon program completion.

Task 14 Develop key performance indicators (KPIs) by using decomposition/
mapping/ balanced score card (BSC) in order to implement scope and
quality management system within program.

Task 15 Monitor key human resources for program and project roles, including
subcontractors, and identify opportunities to improve team motivation
(for example, develop compensation, incentive, and career alignment
plans) and negotiate contracts in order to meet and/or exceed benefits
realization objectives.

Task 16 Charter and initiate constituent projects by assigning project
managers and allocating appropriate resources in order to achieve
program objectives.

Task 17 Establish consistency by deploying uniform standards, resources,
infrastructure, tools, and processes in order to enable informed
program decision making.

Task 18 Establish a communication feedback process in order to capture
lessons learned and the teams experiences throughout the program.

Task 19 Lead human resource functions by training, coaching, mentoring, and
recognizing the team in order to improve team engagement and
achieve commitment to the programs goals.

Task 20 Review project managers performance in executing the project in
accordance with the project plan in order to maximize their
contribution to achieving program goals.

Task 21 Execute the appropriate program management plans (for example,
quality, risk, communication, resourcing) using the tools identified in
the planning phase and by auditing the results in order to ensure the
program outcomes meet stakeholder expectations and standards.

Task 22 Consolidate project and program data using predefined program plan
reporting tools and methods in order to monitor and control the
program performance and communicate to stakeholders.

Task 23 Evaluate the programs status in order to monitor and control the
program while maintaining current program information.

Task 24 Approve closure of constituent projects upon completion of defined
deliverables in order to ensure scope is compliant with the functional

Task 25 Analyze variances and trends in costs, schedule, quality, and risks by
comparing actual and forecast to planned values in order to identify
corrective actions or opportunities.

Task 26 Update program plans by incorporating corrective actions to ensure
program resources are employed effectively in order to meet program

Task 27 Manage program level issues (for example, human resource
management, financial, technology, scheduling) by identifying and
selecting a course of action consistent with program scope,
constraints, and objectives in order to achieve program benefits.

Task 28 Manage changes in accordance with the change management plan in
order to control scope, quality, schedule, cost, contracts, risks, and

Task 29 Conduct impact exams for program changes and recommend
decisions in order to obtain approval in accordance with the
governance model.

Task 30 Manage risk in accordance with the risk management plan in order to
ensure benefits realization.

Task 31 Complete a program performance analysis report by comparing final
values to planned values for scope, quality, cost, schedule, and
resource data in order to determine program performance.

Task 32 Obtain stakeholder approval for program closure in order to initiate
close-out activities.

Task 33 Execute the transition and/or close-out of all program and constituent
project plans (for example, perform administrative and PMIS program
closure, archive program documents and lessons learned, and transfer
ongoing activities to functional organization) in order to meet program
objectives and/or ongoing operational sustainability.

Task 34 Conduct the post-review meeting by presenting the program
performance report in order to obtain feedback and capture lessons

Task 35 Report lessons learned and best practices observed and archive to the
knowledge repository in order to support future programs and
organizational improvement

Knowledge Specific to Domain 2
(*Indicates knowledge is found in one other domain, shown in parentheses)

 Benchmarking

 Closeout plans, procedures, techniques and policies* (5)

 Decomposition techniques (for example, work breakdown structure (WBS))

 Financial closure processes* (V)

 Logistics management

 Performance and quality metrics* (III)

 Phase gate reviews* (V)

 Procurement management

 Product/service development phases

 Program and constituent project charter development* (I)

 Program and project change requests* (V)

 Program initiation plan

 Program management plans

 Quality control and management tools and techniques

 Resource estimation (human and material)

 Resource leveling techniques

 Root cause analysis

 Schedule management, techniques, and tools

 Scope management

 Service level agreements

 Statistical analysis* (V)

 Strategic planning and analysis* (I)

 SWOT analysis

 Talent evaluation

 Team competency exam techniques

 Training methodologies* (IV)

Task 1 Develop the benefits realization plan and its measurement criteria in
order to set the baseline for the program and communicate to
stakeholders, including sponsors.

Task 2 Identify and capture synergies and efficiencies identified throughout
the program life cycle in order to update and communicate the
benefits realization plan to stakeholders, including sponsors.

Task 3 Develop a sustainment plan that identifies the processes, measures,
metrics, and tools necessary for management of benefits beyond the
completion of the program in order to ensure the continued realization
of intended benefits.

Task 4 Monitor the metrics (for example, by forecasting, analyzing variances,
developing “what if” scenarios and simulations, and utilizing causal
analysis) in order to take corrective actions in the program and
maintain and/or potentially improve benefits realization.

Task 5 Verify that the close, transition, and integration of constituent projects
and the program meet or exceed the benefit realization criteria in order
to achieve programs strategic objectives.

Task 6 Maintain a benefit register and record program progress in order to
report the benefit to stakeholders via the communications plan.

Task 7 Analyze and update the benefits realization and sustainment plans for
uncertainty, risk identification, risk mitigation, and risk opportunity in
order to determine if corrective actions are necessary and
communicate to stakeholders.

Task 8 Develop a transition plan to operations in order to guarantee
sustainment of products and benefits delivered by the program.

Knowledge Specific to Domain III
(*Indicates knowledge is found in one other domain, shown in parentheses)

 Benefit optimization

 Business value measurement

 Decision tree analysis

 Maintenance and sustainment of program benefits post delivery

 Performance and quality metrics* (II)

 Program transition strategies

Task 1 Identify stakeholders, including sponsors, and create the stakeholder
matrix in order to document their position relative to the program.

Task 2 Perform stakeholder analysis through historical analysis, personal
experience, interviews, knowledge base, review of formal agreements
(for example, request for proposal (RFP), request for information (RFI),
contracts), and input from other sources in order to create the
stakeholder management plan.

Task 3 Negotiate the support of stakeholders, including sponsors, for the
program while setting clear expectations and acceptance criteria (for
example, KPIs) for the program benefits in order to achieve and
maintain their alignment to the program objectives.

Task 4 Generate and maintain visibility for the program and confirm
stakeholder support in order to achieve the programs strategic

Task 5 Define and maintain communications adapted to different
stakeholders, including sponsors, in order to ensure their support for
the program.

Task 6 Evaluate risks identified by stakeholders, including sponsors, and
incorporate them in the program risk management plan, as necessary.

Task 7 Develop and foster relationships with stakeholders, including
sponsors, in order to improve communication and enhance their
support for the program.

Knowledge Specific to Domain IV

(*Indicates knowledge is found in one other domain, shown in parentheses)

 Customer relationship management

 Customer satisfaction measurement

 Expectation management

 Public relations* (I)

 Training methodologies* (II)

Task 1 Develop program and project management standards and structure
(governance, tools, finance, and reporting) using industry best
practices and organizational standards in order to drive efficiency and
consistency among projects and deliver program objectives.

Task 2 Select a governance model structure including policies, procedures,
and standards that conforms program practices with the
organizations governance structure in order to deliver program
objectives consistent with organizational governance requirements.

Task 3 Obtain authorization(s) and approval(s) through stage gate reviews by
presenting the program status to governance authorities in order to
proceed to the next phase of the program.

Task 4 Evaluate key performance indicators (for example, risks, financials,
compliance, quality, safety, stakeholder satisfaction) in order to
monitor benefits throughout the program life cycle.

Task 5 Develop and/or utilize the program management information system),
and integrate different processes as needed, in order to manage
program information and communicate status to stakeholders.

Task 6 Regularly evaluate new and existing risks that impact strategic
objectives in order to present an updated risk management plan to the
governance board for approval.

Task 7 Establish escalation policies and procedures in order to ensure risks
are handled at the appropriate level.

Task 8 Develop and/or contribute to an information repository containing
program-related lessons learned, processes, and documentation
contributions in order to support organizational best practices.

Task 9 Identify and apply lessons learned in order to support and influence
existing and future program or organizational improvement.

Task 10 Monitor the business environment, program functionality
requirements, and benefits realization in order to ensure the program
remains aligned with strategic objectives.

Task 11 Develop and support the program integration management plan in
order to ensure operational alignment with program strategic

Knowledge Specific to Domain V

(*Indicates knowledge is found in one other domain, shown in parentheses)

 Archiving tools and techniques

 Business/organization objectives* (I)

 Closeout plans, procedures, techniques and policies* (II)

 Composition and responsibilities of the program management office (PMO)

 Financial closure processes* (II)

 Go/no-go decision criteria

 Governance models

 Governance processes and procedures

 Metrics definition and measurement techniques

 Performance analysis and reporting techniques (for example, earned value analysis (EVA))

 Phase gate reviews* (II)

 Program and project change requests* (II)

 Statistical analysis* (II)

Benefits measurement and analysis techniques

 Brainstorming techniques

 Budget processes and procedures

 Business environment

 Business ethics

 Business models, structure, and organization

 Change management

 Coaching and mentoring techniques

 Collaboration tools and techniques

 Communication tools and techniques

 Conflict resolution techniques

 Contingency planning

 Contract negotiation/administration

 Contract types

 Cost-benefit techniques

 Cost management

 Cultural diversity/distinctions

 Data analysis/data mining

 Decision-making techniques

 Emotional intelligence

 Human resource management

 Impact exam techniques

 Industry and market knowledge

 Information privacy

 Knowledge management

 Leadership theories and techniques

 Management techniques

 Motivational techniques

 Negotiation strategies and techniques

 Organization strategic plan and vision

 Performance management techniques (for example, cost and time, performance against objectives)

Planning theory, techniques, and procedures

 PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct

 Presentation tools and techniques

 Problem-solving tools and techniques

 Project Management Information Systems (PMIS)

 Reporting tools and techniques

 Risk analysis techniques

 Risk management

 Risk mitigation and opportunities strategies

 Safety standards and procedures

 Social responsibility

 Succession planning

 Sustainability and environmental issues

 Team development and dynamics Active listening

 Analytical thinking

 Capacity planning

 Communicating

 Critical thinking

 Customer centricity/client focus

 Distilling and synthesizing requirements

 Employee engagement

 Executive-level presentation

 Facilitation

 Innovative thinking

 Interpersonal interaction and relationship management

 Interviewing

 Leveraging opportunities

 Managing expectations

 Managing virtual/multicultural/remote/global teams

 Maximizing resources/achieving synergies

 Negotiating/persuading/influencing

 Prioritizing

 Problem solving

 Stakeholder analysis and management

 Time management

 Vendor management

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