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ACE-PT student - Personal Trainer American Council Updated: 2024

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Exam Code: ACE-PT Personal Trainer American Council student January 2024 by team

ACE-PT Personal Trainer American Council

Exam Detail:
The ACE-PT (American Council on Exercise - Personal Trainer) exam is a certification exam for individuals seeking to become personal trainers. It assesses the knowledge and skills necessary to design and implement effective fitness programs for clients. Here are the exam details for the ACE-PT exam:

- Number of Questions: The exam typically consists of 150 multiple-choice questions.

- Time Limit: The time allocated to complete the exam is 3 hours and 15 minutes.

Course Outline:
The ACE-PT course provides a comprehensive understanding of various topics related to personal training. The course outline generally includes the following areas:

1. Anatomy and Exercise Physiology:
- Understanding human anatomy, including skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems.
- The physiological response to exercise, including energy systems, muscle contractions, and cardiovascular adaptations.

2. Applied Exercise Science:
- Principles of exercise programming and prescription.
- Assessment techniques, including fitness assessments, body composition analysis, and cardiorespiratory fitness testing.
- Training adaptations and progressions.

3. Client Interview and Assessment:
- Conducting client consultations and assessments to identify goals, health history, and limitations.
- Assessing posture, movement patterns, flexibility, and muscular imbalances.
- Developing individualized exercise programs based on client needs and goals.

4. Exercise Programming and Instruction:
- Designing comprehensive exercise programs, including cardiovascular training, resistance training, flexibility exercises, and core training.
- Proper form and technique for exercise instruction and progression.
- Training special populations, such as older adults, pregnant women, and individuals with chronic conditions.

5. Nutrition and Weight Management:
- Basic nutrition principles and guidelines.
- Strategies for healthy weight management and body composition goals.
- Behavior change techniques and motivational strategies.

6. Legal and Professional Responsibilities:
- Understanding legal and ethical responsibilities as a personal trainer.
- Scope of practice and professional boundaries.
- Client confidentiality and privacy.

Exam Objectives:
The objectives of the ACE-PT exam are as follows:

- Assessing candidates' knowledge of exercise science principles and their application to program design and prescription.
- Evaluating candidates' understanding of conducting client assessments and interviews to develop individualized exercise programs.
- Testing candidates' knowledge of proper exercise form, technique, and progressions.
- Assessing candidates' understanding of basic nutrition principles and weight management strategies.
- Evaluating candidates' familiarity with legal and professional responsibilities as a personal trainer.

Exam Syllabus:
The specific exam syllabus for the ACE-PT exam covers the following topics:

1. Anatomy and Exercise Physiology:
- Skeletal system
- Muscular system
- Cardiovascular system
- Respiratory system

2. Applied Exercise Science:
- Exercise programming principles
- Fitness assessment techniques
- Training adaptations and progressions

3. Client Interview and Assessment:
- Client consultation and goal setting
- Health history and limitations
- Posture and movement assessments

4. Exercise Programming and Instruction:
- Cardiovascular training
- Resistance training
- Flexibility exercises
- Core training

5. Nutrition and Weight Management:
- Basic nutrition principles
- Weight management strategies
- Behavior change techniques

6. Legal and Professional Responsibilities:
- Scope of practice and professional boundaries
- Client confidentiality and privacy
- Legal and ethical considerations
Personal Trainer American Council
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Personal Trainer American Council
Question: 92
After programming-a moderate to high intensity exercise program for a new 38-year-old client, the ACE certified
Personal Trainer learns they have been doubling each workout at each session, exceeding your initial suggestions.
The trainer should:
A . Enthusiastically acknowledge the client’s efforts and explain that they will achieve their goals faster.
B . Reprogram the sessions to their demonstrated ability and energy.
C . Educate the client to the signs symptoms, and risks of overtraining.
D . Require the client to follow the original program until the next fitness test.
Answer: B
Question: 93
According to the American College of Sports Medicine, a medical examination is required prior to vigorous exercise
A . Persons with resting blood pressure of 135/85 mmHg.
B . Persons with a BMI score of 32.
C . Persons with type 2 diabetes.
D . Men less than 40 years old and women less than 50 years old.
Answer: B
Question: 94
Which of the following is the BEST example of a process-oriented SMART goal for a client who is new to exercise?
A . Complete a marathon within a year.
B . Lose 10 lb (4.5 kg) in six weeks.
C . Perform five full push-ups within six months.
D . Work out three times per week for the next four weeks.
Answer: A
Question: 95
Which would be the BEST resource for recommendations regarding daily intake of vitamins and minerals?
A . USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans
B . Food nutrition label
C . DASH eating plan
D . Recommended Daily Allowances
Answer: B
Question: 96
Which of the following blood pressure readings is considered normal?
A . 110/84 mmHg
B . 117/76 mmHg
C . 120/90 mmHg
D . 128/72 mmHg
Answer: C
Question: 97
A new client with a body mass index of 32 kg/m2 becomes disengaged after learning that the score places the client in
the obese category.
Which two communication styles will be critical in establishing rapport with this client to gain adherence?
A . Counseling and directing styles
B . Counseling and educating styles
C . Directing and educating styles
D . Directing and preaching styles
Answer: A
Question: 98
What concept drives motivation and adherence through positive thinking, belief in self, and belief in success and
A . Self-accountability
B . Positive feedback
C . Intrinsic motivation
D . Self-efficacy
Answer: D
Question: 99
Watch the attached video to answer the following question.
What does the movement screen shown in the video determine about a client?
A . Readiness to perform a one-repetition maximum for the squat and deadlift
B . Mobility of the torso and bilateral stability of the feet, knees, and hips
C . Muscular endurance of the quadriceps, gluteus maximus, hamstrings, and core
D . Stability of the trunk and symmetrical stability and mobility of the lower extremity
Answer: C
Question: 100
Within which stage of learning are exercisers MOST likely to make mistakes?
A . Autonomous
B . Associative
C . Cognitive
D . Affective
Answer: D
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ACE-Cert Personal student - BingNews Search results ACE-Cert Personal student - BingNews ISSA Personal Training Certification: Cost, Exam and More No result found, try new keyword!ISSA personal training certification cost will likely be ... is a third-leading CPT program. Many students pursue an ACE certification for the program’s affordable price range (around half ... Wed, 26 Jul 2023 02:26:00 -0500 text/html The 7 Best Personal Training Certifications in 2024, According to Our Expert Reviews Team No result found, try new keyword!Related Post: ISSA Personal Training Certification ... student in the training programs? Do you have an interest in the subject matter? Are you confident enough in your test-taking skills to ace ... Tue, 27 Jun 2023 04:58:00 -0500 text/html ACE vs. NASM: Which Personal Trainer Certification is Best? No result found, try new keyword!Palestinian national poet Mahmoud Darwish’s works are seeped in the sights and sounds and sorrows of his beloved homeland. Author, scholar and thinker Hussein Barghouthi, diagnosed with lymphoma ... Mon, 18 Sep 2023 06:10:00 -0500 en-US text/html ACE and Level 4 Completion

ISSS cannot issue you a new I-20 without this request. If you do not submit a complete request before the end of your 60 day grace period you will lose your legal status. ISSS asks that all requests be submitted no later than the start of the last month of the current term (May 1, August 1, or December 1) to ensure we are able to issue your new I-20 promptly after the end of the term.

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Access College and Excel Program


Access College and Excel Program

The Access College and Excel (ACE) program is a special scholarship and retention program aimed at helping incoming freshman, who have graduated from specific high schools effectively transfer from high school to a four-year university with the goal of obtaining a bachelor's degree. Scholarships, individualized academic assistance, enrollment in a college success seminar course (CSS 1202), participation in a Learning Community, mentoring, and advising services are given to ACE students for their first two academic years in college.

Sat, 12 Dec 2020 14:31:00 -0600 en text/html
Enrollment Certifications

Enrollment Certifications

Academic Status

Current students can use Student Self-Service in myPurdue for the following enrollment certification services:

  • Print the official enrollment verification certificates for health insurers, lenders, insurance companies and other organizations
  • Find out when deferment notices were sent to their student lenders
  • View their enrollment history
  • View the proofs of enrollment sent on their behalf to student service providers
  • Obtain a list of their student loan holders

To access enrollment certification services in Student Self-Service, current students should:

  • Log onto myPurdue using their User Name and Password
  • Click on the Academic tab
  • Select Enrollment Certification

SPECIAL NOTE: Current students needing information not included in the above form may e-mail from their Purdue e-mail with their special request. They must include their PUID and clearly state the information needed on the request.

Mail requests should be sent to Purdue University, Office of the Registrar, Room 45, Hovde Hall of Administration, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2040. Requests must include the requestor's PUID or student ID number and signature.

Fax requests should be sent to (765) 494-0570. Requests must include the requestor's PUID or student ID number and signature.

Online requests should be sent using the Certification Request Form.

For further information, call (765) 494-6165 or send an inquiry via e-mail to

Apostille (International Certifications)

Apostille is a French word which means a certification. It is commonly used as the legalization of a document for international use under the terms of the 1961 Hague Convention.

The University Registrar currently makes the following general documents available for the apostille process: transcripts, enrollment/degree certification and replacement diplomas. If you require additional services, such as a replacement/duplicate diploma, please note details for your apostille when ordering your transcript. Prior to sending back to the address provided, our office will send certification documents to the Department of State in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Requestors should provide the following:

  • Transcript
  • Country certification is being processed
  • Address to send the completed documents
  • A scanned copy of their diploma (a replacement/duplicate would need to be ordered if original is not available)

Please note: Purdue University staff cannot advise requestors on the international apostille process. It is the requestors' responsibility to follow the procedures outlined by the Department of State Office of Authentications.

Given the additional complexity of notarization, please allow 4 to 6 weeks for the completed certification.

Other Requests for Certifications/Verifications

Current students and graduates may request enrollment certifications, degree verifications, certificates of graduation/degree, and course descriptions by visiting the Office of the Registrar, Stewart Center, 128 Memorial Mall, Suite 176, or by mail, fax, or online form.

In-person requests may be brought or made at the Office of the Registrar, Stewart Center, 128 Memorial Mall, Suite 176. Requestors should bring picture IDs with them.

Mail requests should be sent to Purdue University, Office of the Registrar, Stewart Center, 128 Memorial Mall, Suite 176, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2040. Requests must include the requestor's PUID or student ID number and signature.

Fax requests should be sent to (765) 494-0570. Requests must include the requestor's PUID or student ID number and signature.

Online requests should be sent using the Certification Request Form.

For further information, call (765) 494-6165 or send an inquiry via e-mail to

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Student Support No result found, try new keyword!The Miami University campus and ACE program have many support services to help you get settled into your new life as a Miami student. If you have questions, or if anything is troubling you or if you ... Thu, 07 Sep 2023 07:07:00 -0500 Enrollment Certification

Enrollment Certification for Loan Deferment

The National Student Clearinghouse processes deferment forms. If you need an enrollment certification for deferment of a student loan, mail the forms to the Office of Student Services, Lyons Hall, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467 or stop by Lyons Hall. Your deferment form will be forwarded to the National Student Clearinghouse. If the enrollment certification does not require an official school seal or signature, you may process the certification through

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Earn top-flight IT certifications with this CompTIA training bundle for under $65 No result found, try new keyword!With courses valued at $39 each, this collection would usually cost nearly $600. But as part of this new year savings blowout sale, the entire course bundle is on sale now at just $64.97. But you'll ... Thu, 04 Jan 2024 18:44:28 -0600 en-us text/html Teacher Certification

Teacher Certification

UAB will only recommend students for certification if they have successfully completed a State-approved teacher education program and other University requirements. Each student is responsible for submitting a completed certification packet to the Office of Student Services during the semester they intend to finish their approved program. A student who does not apply for their Professional Educator Certificate within five years (60 months) after completing a state-approved program may be required to fulfill additional requirements (i.e., testing and/or coursework).

The Office of Student Services will verify that each student meets all degree and certification requirements after graduation and submit completed certification packets to the Alabama State Department of Education.



Check UAB e-mail during your final semester for announcement from certification specialist.


Submit your educator certification application and the supporting documentation to the Office of Student Services via UAB Box.


Your application will be audited by the certification specialist to ensure you meet the current certification requirements.


Upon conferral of your degree, you will receive an e-mail notification from the certification specialist once your application has been mailed to the Alabama State Department of Education (ALSDE) for processing.


Watch for your mailed certificate.

When to Apply

The best time to apply for your Professional Educator certificate is during your last term of enrollment. This timeline will ensure that your paperwork will be submitted to the Alabama State Department of Education(ALSDE) on time.


Completed certification application packets are processed and mailed to the Alabama State Department of Education (ALSDE)in the order they are received.

The term you plan to graduate: The application is due:
Fall (December graduation) November 1
Spring (May graduation) April 1
Summer (August graduation) August 1

Recertification of an Alabama Teaching Certificate

Please call the Alabama State Department of Education at 334-694-4557.

The level of courses you take (300, 400, 500, 600, etc.) will be dependent on your last certification, so communicating with one of our program directors is essential.

Important: You are responsible for sending the needed documentation to the state to complete the recertification process.

Fri, 06 Sep 2019 14:08:00 -0500 en-US text/html

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